What is antimicrobial fabric?

During 21th century, recent health concerns related to the global pandemic have generated a renewed interest in how technology is helping us stay safe. An example is antimicrobial fabrics and their potential to prevent disease or exposure to bacteria and viruses.

The medical environment is one of the most common applications of antimicrobial fabrics. Treated fabrics help fight germs or pathogens that often contaminate bedding and curtains in healthcare facilities or hospitals. They are used as an extra layer of protection against the growth or spread of certain bacteria and other microorganisms.

Outside the medical community, antimicrobial fabrics are most commonly used for sportswear, specialty underwear, and household items such as mattresses and sheets.


What is antimicrobial fabric?

Antimicrobial fabrics are naturally resistant to germs or have been treated to be resistant to germs. Antimicrobial fabrics provide protection against bacteria, mold and other microbes (both harmful and inert).

Of course, we have some natural antimicrobial fabrics, including linen, merino wool, and hemp.


How does antimicrobial fabric work?

When a microorganism, such as a bacterium, comes into contact with an antimicrobial fabric, it is destroyed in several ways.

1, The antimicrobial agent interferes with the genetics of the microbe and its ability to reproduce.

2, It increases oxygen levels, which causes internal damage to the microbe.

3, It damages the membrane of the microbe, which affects the supply of nutrients.

4, It can attack the microbe’s proteins, affecting its basic functions.

Due to their natural antimicrobial properties, silver and copper are commonly used for textile processing.


What is the benefit of antimicrobial fabric?

Antimicrobial fabrics used to make clothing offer a number of benefits.

Firstly, and perhaps the most important, is to fight odor-causing bacteria. Bacteria on your skin feed on the nutrients in your sweat and break them down, causing body odor. When you wear antimicrobial fabric clothes, your body odor is naturally regulated because odor-causing bacteria have no chance to multiply or spread.

Secondly, because odor-causing bacteria cannot multiply, body odor does not remain on your clothes. This is especially useful for clothes made from synthetic fabrics, which are known to retain odor after washing.

Lastly, clothes made with antimicrobial fabrics stay fresh longer and may even last longer because you don’t have to work as hard to get rid of bad odors.

Antimicrobial fabric offers several advantages to consumers, especially those who are concerned about body odor. Fuzhou Huasheng Textile Co.,Ltd. is a qualified antimicrobial fabrics supplier. Please feel free to contact us if you have any needs.

Post time: Oct-01-2022